Do Private Jet Charters Make Economic Sense?


Why would someone spend thousands of dollars on private charter jet aircraft instead of buying a regular airline ticket? It’s interesting to know that it does make economic sense in a lot of instances. Wendover Productions has an interesting documentary that makes it quite clear when private jets could be preferred…

How to Charter a Plane at Rock-Bottom Pricing

Before delving into the nitty-gritty of finding affordable chartered flights, let’s get familiar with some essential concepts.

What is Chartering a Plane?

When you’re chartering a plane, you are renting an entire aircraft for your exclusive use. This offers convenience, privacy, isolation, and flexibility compared to commercial flights.

Types of Charter Flights

There are two primary types of charter flights: on-demand charters and empty leg charters. We’ll discuss both in detail.

On-Demand Charters

On-demand charters allow you to rent a plane whenever you need it. Here’s how to get the best deals:

Plan Ahead

Booking in advance often leads to lower prices. Airlines can better manage their resources when they have ample notice.

Flexible Dates

If your travel dates are flexible, you can take advantage of off-peak times when charter rates are more affordable.

Group Travel

Consider traveling with a group to split the costs. Chartering a larger aircraft for a group can be cost-effective.


Don’t hesitate to negotiate with charter providers. Sometimes, they can offer discounts or better deals.

Empty Leg Charters

Empty leg charter flights occur when a plane returns to its base empty after dropping off passengers. Here’s how to tap into this cost-saving opportunity:

Monitor Listings

Keep an eye on empty leg listings from various providers. You might find a flight that aligns with your travel plans.

Be Flexible

Flexibility with your itinerary is crucial when booking empty leg charters. You’ll need to adapt to the available flights.

Use Apps and Sites to find Empty Leg Flights

Several apps and websites like Jettly and others, specialize in connecting travelers with empty leg opportunities. Explore these platforms for options.

So, here’s what it all boils down to…

Chartering a plane at rock-bottom pricing is within reach if you plan strategically and stay flexible. Private air travel no longer needs to be a luxury you can’t afford.


Is chartering a plane safer than flying commercially?

Chartering a plane is generally considered safe, with rigorous safety standards in place. However, it’s essential to choose a reputable charter provider.

Can I charter a plane for a one-way trip?

Yes, you can charter a plane for a one-way trip, and it can be a cost-effective option, especially if you consider empty leg opportunities.

Are there any hidden costs when chartering a plane?

It’s crucial to clarify all costs with your charter provider in advance to avoid any surprises. This includes fuel, landing fees, and catering.

How far in advance should I book a charter flight?

Booking at least a few weeks in advance is advisable to secure the best rates and availability.

What type of aircraft can I charter?

The type of aircraft available for charter varies, from small jets to large airliners. Your choice depends on your needs and budget.